Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Second Baby is Coming, inshallah

I have been so lazy this 2 months because I'm pregnant. We were both surprised. I know I am 31 and not getting younger, and Faris is getting older too. But we think it's not the right time yet. Both of us are jobless and we were planning to do nomad and travelling. I guess that will postpone it for quite a while. I should've continued to find a job but this hormone tied me down on the bed. I can sleep 15 hours a day.  Faris was thrilled in the other hand. Allah's give is the best, and best timing too. I am now entering the second trimester in few days. Can't wait to see the gender.


Tahap dan Biaya Proses Pembuatan Syarat Visa dan Pengajuan Visa Student

  Tulisan ini akan selalu berkembang sampai saya selesai apply dan dapat visa ya. Membaca semua informasi di website https://www.immigration...